They call me “the Hangedman” but you can call me Steve!
In 1984, the year I fused my path in spiritual neo-paganism with the art of tarot, I was gifted my first tarot deck and began a lifelong journey with this incredible tool. This was the grand age of second wave feminism, Mother Earth spiritual reawakenings and my own formative practice of forest witchery.
Over time, tarot has grown to be a cornerstone of my life and I’ve dedicated myself to honing my tarot craft and helping people understand its secrets.
My approach to tarot is a tool of self reflective meditation. I do not pretend to be a psychic conduit to the tool, but instead allow it to tell its own story. I try to approach readings grounded, as we allow the ancient symbolism and spreads to become the window of one’s query and soul.
I’m available for readings and consultations. Book a reading with me today!
I have three decks in my repertoire. Choose the deck that resonates with you.
The core deck I have been using since 1984. Feminist and anthropologist, Walker takes a unique humanist mythos approach to Tarot. This deck is perfect for fellow witches who want to delves deep into pagan archetypes
The classic deck. The world’s most popular deck in current use. Published in 1909, this deck has been the main stay of Tarot for over a century and remains the deck most beginners to Tarot use. Mastery of the Rider Waite deck is the gateway to understanding other alternate decks.
With a distinct British-Celtic flavour, the Wildwood deck has an eco-activist vibe that is perfect for those who are outdoor adventurers or spiritual green pagans who value a deep preservation of the “old ways”
“Steven is passionate about his work and has taken the time to evolve his professional capabilities to provide an enlightened insight into this world. Absolutely recommend. Super galactic 5 stars!.”